Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Opium Wars

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The Opium war consisted the British people taking a liking in the tea made in china and so the British trade it with the Chinese for the tea but the British decide to balance their trade instead of buy from china they wanted to sell too and they sell opium to the Chinese people. "opium is a really addictive drug that relives pain made in India". Because the drug was very affective the Chinese government tried to end the trade of stuff for opium and because of that reason the Opium war started.

The war is call the Opium war basically because the opium was the reason why the war started the opium was traded for the Chinese money, the Chinese people were drug and so they formed a need in their lives for the drug. they country who won the war was England because they attacked China by suprise and because they had good tachnology and China was behind in modern weapons and technology.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Film lesson: "Mountains of the Moon"

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The film "Mountains of the Moon" Was made in 1990 and is made out of something important that happen in 1852 what happen was that two Europeans went looking for the source of the Nile River, the two explorers Richard Burton and John Speke. The two explorers went to a lot of trouble to find it they went to africa twice the first time they went almost all the people that went got kill and on of the explorers got a spear right throw his mouth. they went to many trouble in Africa for example they didn't have many supplies and the area was in bad conditions plus they had to handle the be insects and one of them got sick. In the end they founded the soure of the Nile River which is the Lake Victoria that Some thing strange that I found that the source of the Nile River, the Lake Victoria has such an awkward name becuse is name after the queen of England and the river is in africa.

The Europeans took over the africa in about 20 years, The European took the continent that fast because they had better technology but the biggest difference in technology was that the africans fought using spears and arows but the Britishs fought using gun and rifles.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Meiji Restoration of Japan

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Japan is formed of a group of island which is call an archipelago and many years a go some the Japanese people notice that they were way behind. Matthew Perry landed in one of those islands looking to with Japan. Perry "bullied" the japanese to trade by showing them their technology, and their steam power boat and also by giving them to try the opium which is some type of drug that comes from a flower and by doing so the japanese became addicted to it.

Japan modernize and industrialize Japan by sending some state worker to diffet European countries to study and after they had master what they were send to they went back try it.
They industialize Japan that way and they started to better their technology and fought in a few wars.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Karl Marx and Communism

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Communism is a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Karl Marx a German Philosopher, political econimist,historian, sociologist, humanist, political theorist andrevolutionary credited as the founder of communism. Marx wanted communism to rule the world because he thought that employes need more power and right that everyone should be at a same level of power, that a person should be paid according his needs. Karl Marx saw the workers as the good guy and he saw the rich and business owners as the bad people.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Karl Marx and the Industrial Revolution

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Marx Didn't like the Industrial revolution because Marx felt that the Industrial Revolution allowed the rich to get richer and the poor to get even worse.

The industrial revolution Inspire Marx to invent communism because he though workers should share wealth in a comunist society.

What inspire Marx to be the way he was was
  • Hegel's dialectical method and historical orientation; .
  • The classicalpolitical economy of Adam Smith and David Ricardo.
  • French socialist and sociological thought, in particular the thought of Jean Jacques Rousseau, Henri de Saint Simon and Charles Fourier.
  • Earlier German philosophical materialism, particularly Ludwig Feuerbach.
  • The solidarity with the working class of Friedrich Engles.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Nationalism and the Creation of Italy

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Nationalism is the belief that one’s greatest loyalty should not be to a king or an empire but to a nation of people who share a common culture and history for example let say that you have many countries have problems with an empire and they share a common culture then thgey unite and fight against the ampire or if they don't have anything in common they will break apart.To show that you are a trye nationalistic you get your flag and sing you national anthem.

Nationalism was used to created the nation of Italy because after being control by a large kingdom the italian united and they got tired of taking orders from foreing rulers.
Before italy Became Italy it was rule by other contry it became italy because the people was tired the people was tired of being control by some one else and by having some to obey. The people wanted to be free from that.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Simon Bolivar and Latin American Revolutions

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Simon Bolivar is famous an important leader of the Latin American Revolution because he was one of the leaders that accomplished The South America Independence And because of him there was formed a big country call “Gran Colombia” but also he was president in Gran Colombia, Peru and Bolivia.There is a country name aftre Simon Bolivar and the reason for that is because he free that people from spain and because he was a great political and militar learder.

Simon Bolivar help defeat spain and the reason that he was fighting for was because he wanted some countries to be free and be independents. the main reason that influenced Bolivar the most was the French and American Revolution.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Robespierre and The Reign of Terror

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Explain The Reign of Terror and Max Robespierre's involvement in it
The raign of terror was a time of violence that happen fifteen months after the French Revolution, made by conflict between rival political factions, the Girondins and the Jacobins, and marked by mass executions of "enemies of the revolution." Max Robespierre was involve in the reign of the terror or the reign of terror begun becuase of him by the way he was ruling.

Why did The Reign of Terror happen?
suspicion against King Louis XVI in France lead to resistance. after they French revolution there were many execution because the people were Affright they were goint to lose power and they panic so they started killing people and saying that they were enemis of the revolution.

How were these executions carried out?
The executions were carried out in public in front of every body. They killed the people using a guillotine they put their hed in a wooden block and they cutted their heads off.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The French Revolution


Answer Questions:

1) Look back at the information on these sheets. List the reasons why many people in France were critical of a) the nobility; b) the King; c) The clergy.
The reasons why many people in France were mad was because the nobility, king, clergy they all had some privileges that they didn't have and because in they could hold high positions in society.

2) What might a French peasant have grumbled about in 1789?
The Freach peasant might had grumble about the Attack to Bastille.

3) Look at source A. Explain what point you think the cartoonist was making. Remember to explain the significance of the three characters, as well as the caption underneath.

I think that the cartoonist was explaining what was happenig at that time because the clergy and the nobles were living out of the peasent and workers.

4) How does the author of source B describe the lives of French peasants? (remember: it is not enough to say ‘good’ or ‘bad’ – you need to give examples from the source!)
They said that their lives were horribbles because they had to work extra hard but almost nothing in return al they had they had to give it to feudal lords and taxes for the king.

5) Study sources A, B and C together. Do these sources explain why poor people in

France resented the rich? Explain your answer using the sources.
Yes it does Explain why they resented the rich people because the rich people used them they taxes them take away their properties and even though they were workign their hads out they get not enough money sustain their families.

6) Rousseau (source D) was an influential writer at this time. Along with other writers like Voltaire, he wanted France to have a more democratic form of government. Who would be most influenced by his words and why? (remember to include extracts form the source in your answer.)
The people because he says that the power to govern a place belongs to the people.

7) The pamphlet which source D came from was banned in 1775. Why do you think this was? Which members of French society would want it to be banned?
The king.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

John Locke and "The Enlightenment"

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What are the "Rights" that Jefferson is talking about?
The rights that Jefferson talks about are the rights for us people because they say that all the people are created equally so they have certain rights such as the freedom to speack and tell your opinions and feelings and also not to be force to follow somebody and his believes so your have the right to make your mind and belibe in your own things.

Where does government get its power?
The government get its power from the people the people votes for the best choice and also if there is somethig bad with the country the people should fixed because in another words they are the governments they run the country. The vote for the person they want to run the country.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Copernicus and the trial of Galileo

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The Geocentric Theory: The geocentric theory is a theory that says that the Earth is at the center of the universe it was the most popular theory until 1600s it was what they believed at that time and the church approved it also geocentrism was in accordance with the theocentric (God-centered) world view.

The Heliocentric Theory: The heliocentric theory is the theory that says that the sun in center of the universe that theory was mostly proven by the 1800s and but that theory went against the church.

Which theory came first, and which theory came out of the scientific revolution?
The theory that came first was the geocentric theory and the theory that came out of the scientific revolution was the heliocentric theory.

Why was the Catholic Church putting him on trial? What did Galileo believe in and what did the Catholic church believe in?

The catholic church putted Galileo on trail because he was going against their believes they believed that the Earth was in the center of the universe but Galileo was a man of science and he believed that the sun was in the center of the universe.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Scientific Method

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Scientific Method: Scientific methods are the way to find new knowledge by seen or experimenting to test the hypothesis. The way to do it is by asking questions, research make a hypothesis try your hypothesis and then by the results you get you will meke the conclusion after you should check if the is your hypothesis is true and if your hipothesis is not true then you should try again and do more experiments.

Example Of An Experiment That Uses The Scientific Method

An example would be to to make a hypotesis that says that beans don't need light to grow and is kinda basicly you do the experiment you put one can with beand in the sun and then you put another one in the dark and depending on the result you get you can say that your hypotesis was tru or was false but if you want to prove that is true even if it fail then try it again in different situations.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Evolution vs. Creation

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Evolution: Evolution tells that the people were form by evolving it says that the Earth was create by a big explosion “Big Bang” and then there were like cell and some molecules and they started to evolve and by the time pass more creatures started to develop and they started to multiple. So they say that we as humans were created from some kind of monkey and we evolved in to what we are now.

Creation: Creation is the theory that believes that the world and the universe was created by a greater power “Higher Been”. That there was this person that created everything, Created animal and all and then decide to create a man.

Personal Opinion:
I belive mostly in the creation theory and th reason I belive so is because for me it sounds better than the evolution theory and that is so because in the evolution theory they said that the Earth was created by a big explosion and the some molecues got together and form the Earth. That is why I don't in the evolution theory.