Evolution: Evolution tells that the people were form by evolving it says that the Earth was create by a big explosion “Big Bang” and then there were like cell and some molecules and they started to evolve and by the time pass more creatures started to develop and they started to multiple. So they say that we as humans were created from some kind of monkey and we evolved in to what we are now.
Creation: Creation is the theory that believes that the world and the universe was created by a greater power “Higher Been”. That there was this person that created everything, Created animal and all and then decide to create a man.
Personal Opinion:
I belive mostly in the creation theory and th reason I belive so is because for me it sounds better than the evolution theory and that is so because in the evolution theory they said that the Earth was created by a big explosion and the some molecues got together and form the Earth. That is why I don't in the evolution theory.
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