Answer Questions:
1) Look back at the information on these sheets. List the reasons why many people in France were critical of a) the nobility; b) the King; c) The clergy.
The reasons why many people in France were mad was because the nobility, king, clergy they all had some privileges that they didn't have and because in they could hold high positions in society.
2) What might a French peasant have grumbled about in 1789?
The Freach peasant might had grumble about the Attack to Bastille.
3) Look at source A. Explain what point you think the cartoonist was making. Remember to explain the significance of the three characters, as well as the caption underneath.
I think that the cartoonist was explaining what was happenig at that time because the clergy and the nobles were living out of the peasent and workers.
4) How does the author of source B describe the lives of French peasants? (remember: it is not enough to say ‘good’ or ‘bad’ – you need to give examples from the source!)
They said that their lives were horribbles because they had to work extra hard but almost nothing in return al they had they had to give it to feudal lords and taxes for the king.
5) Study sources A, B and C together. Do these sources explain why poor people in
France resented the rich? Explain your answer using the sources.
Yes it does Explain why they resented the rich people because the rich people used them they taxes them take away their properties and even though they were workign their hads out they get not enough money sustain their families.
6) Rousseau (source D) was an influential writer at this time. Along with other writers like Voltaire, he wanted France to have a more democratic form of government. Who would be most influenced by his words and why? (remember to include extracts form the source in your answer.)
The people because he says that the power to govern a place belongs to the people.
7) The pamphlet which source D came from was banned in 1775. Why do you think this was? Which members of French society would want it to be banned?
The king.
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